All local members are invited to the South Tees Conservative Association's Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Wilton Golf Club on Friday 8th March.
The Annual General Meeting will begin at 19:00pm followed by an optional Dinner Service at 20:00pm provided by Wilton Golf Club, Jacob Young MP and Sir Simon Clarke MP will be in attendance.
Every year, Conservative Associations must hold an AGM to elect a Chairman and an Executive. The Chairman & Executive are responsible for the running of the Association, for selecting and supporting election candidates both at local & parliamentary level, and to carry out various other duties.
The following Officer positions are up for election:
- Honorary President
- Chairman
- Deputy Chairman | Political
- Deputy Chairman | Membership
- Constituency Representative | Middlesbrough & Thornaby East
- Constituency Representative | Middlesbrough South & East Cleveland
- Constituency Representative | Redcar & Cleveland
- YC Chair & Officers
- Volunteer Engagement Officer
If any of these positions are contested by multiple candidates, attending members have the right to vote in a secret ballot for their preferred candidate.
(Please note that only Association Members are able to participate).
If you wish to stand or would like more information regarding one of these positions, you should notify the Association by emailing [email protected].
Aside from formal procedures, the AGM provides an opportunity to meet other members. If you’ve never attended an event before, the AGM provides a great opportunity to get involved.
The optional dinner will begin at 20:00pm and will be priced at £30 per head - payment can be made via BACS:
Name: South Tees Conservative Association
Sort Code: 53-50-15
Account Number: 06325238
We look forward to seeing you all soon!