JOBS - North East is England's best performing region
New figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) put the North East as the best performing region in England.
The figures from the ONS report highlight the following key points:
- Largest Increase in Employment Rate: Our region has witnessed a surge in the employment rate, surpassing all other areas of England. This notable achievement reflects the success of the North East in creating new job opportunities and fostering a thriving workforce.
- Largest Decrease in Unemployment Rate: North East England has demonstrated a reduction in unemployment rates, outpacing all other regions in the country. This encouraging decline signifies our region's resilience and the effectiveness of its employment strategies, paving the way for a brighter future for its residents.
- Largest Decrease in Economic Inactivity: The North East has also witnessed a remarkable decrease in economic inactivity, positioning it as a leader among all regions. This transformative change demonstrates the North East's commitment to fostering an active and engaged workforce, creating a robust economic landscape for businesses and individuals alike.
These significant achievements are a testament to the unwavering dedication and relentless efforts of Conservative leadership, which has made job creation and economic growth a top priority.
The results across the region are a testament to the Conservative's Levelling Up strategy, implemented and supported by Tees Valley Mayor, Ben Houchen, and Conservative MPs like Simon Clarke and Jacob Young.
Simon Clarke, Conservative MP for Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland, said: “These figures show that levelling up is starting to transform the economy of the North East.
“We have performed the best of any region of the UK over the last year, with over 3% more people in work than this time last year.
“From great new projects like Teesworks and our Freeport to our improving transport links to our bold town centre regeneration programmes, the Conservatives are getting results for the North East.”
Jacob Young, Conservative MP for Redcar, said: "The North East's remarkable performance in employment is a cause for celebration.
"Sadly, as we've seen from the ridiculous political games being played by our local Labour party in recent months, not every party has our region's interests at heart."
"These figures prove that what we're doing here in places like Teesside is working. Unlike Labour, we seek to empower individuals, invigorate businesses, and bolster economic growth - and it's working.
"These achievements are a testament to our commitment to getting results by creating jobs and opportunities on Teesside."
Read the full ONS report here: Labour market in the regions of the UK - Office for National Statistics